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Drywall Tools You Need for Finishing Outside Corners

Drywall Tools You Need for Finishing Outside Corners

Corner tools are non-negotiable if you’re working in a space that’s more than one square room. They make the work more efficient and faster. At Timothy’s Toolbox, we’re all about using equipment that improves our skills as professional drywallers. Check out these drywall tools you need for finishing outside corners.

Corner Bead

A corner bead is a lifesaver for finishing outside corners. These spaces tend to take more beatings than other areas of the wall, so using a metal corner bead is best. Some would suggest a plastic bead because it performs the same role, but a metal one offers more reinforcement.

Nail the bead to the outside corner and apply the joint compound. You can also use 1¼-inch staples to install the outside corner bead. Allow at least a full day of drying before applying the next coat of mud. Scoop some of the joint compound into a mud pan and apply the mud to the wall corner with a six-inch drywall knife.

Outside Drywall Corner Roller

A drywall corner roller is another useful tool. Use it immediately after applying the mud and tape to the corner. The roller firmly embeds a paper-faced corner bead on external drywall corners and removes excess joint compound from beneath it.

The nylon roller provides a smooth surface to prevent damage to the corner bed. Start in the middle with the roller and work upwards. Then, proceed back down to the end where the handle and roller easily bends and follows your desired motion.

4-Inch Taping Knife

A four-inch drywall taping knife is just one of the many sheetrock tools for sale we offer at Timothy’s Toolbox. This knife is another very useful tool for finishing drywall corners. Dip the four-inch mud knife into the mud pan, scoop up a small amount of compound, and place the knife broad side down to apply the compound to the corner.

Apply a layer of mud to one side of the corner using broad strokes. Make sure the mud is at least 1/4-inch thick. Remove any extra mud on the drywall using the edge of the knife. Repeat this process on the opposite side of the corner. Angle the knife so the mud doesn’t drag to the other side.

Corner Trowel

A corner trowel is useful for taping corner joints. You’ll typically use this tool after applying the mud to the corners with a drywall knife. All you need to do is measure a piece of drywall tape that’s the length of the wall and fold it in half.

Apply the drywall tape fold to the corner, and press it down forcefully. Squeeze out the excess mud to reduce bubbles. Run the trowel down the corner with enough pressure from the top to the bottom to flatten the tape and remove the excess mud.

You need these drywall tools when finishing outside corners. At Timothy’s Toolbox, we’re all about showing up at the job site with the right equipment. For more information, visit our website.

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