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Basic Troubleshooting Tips for Automatic Drywall Tapers

Basic Troubleshooting Tips for Automatic Drywall Tapers

As a contractor, you may face issues with tools and equipment you’re not familiar with, and you may need time to become accustomed to them. We can get you started with these basic troubleshooting tips for automatic drywall tapers.

Difficult To Fill Automatic Taper

Having difficulty filling the automatic taper is common, and it can be for several reasons. First, the joint compound may be too thick. Dilute it with water by adding approximately 25–28 ounces to the mud. The tool manufacturer may also recommend the best volume of water to add. Second, the joint compound may have dried within the gooseneck adaptor. Remove the joint compound, and thoroughly clean the neck. Third, dry compound could be blocking the filler nozzle and tube. Soak the filler tube in warm water, and carefully remove the mud. Avoid damaging the filler spring in the process.

Jams When Cutting Tape

If the taper jams when cutting tape, it could be because the pyramid blade is dull and needs a replacement. Use a flat-head screwdriver to loosen the blade cutter block. Remove the blade, and swap it out for a new one. Next, tighten the cutter block with the screwdriver, and insert the blade back into the taper head.

Jams could also be caused by something as simple as the control tube not being pulled back during the cut. Pull the control tube all the way back until it stops. Then, the tape cut should be complete.

Joint Compound Won’t Flow

Another common problem is compound flow. The lack of fluidity can hold up a job, so fix this issue as quickly as possible. The cable could be broken or disconnected from the cable drum or the plunger cup. Luckily, this is an easy fix. Remove the damaged cable, and connect a new one to the plunger cup. Then, insert the new cable into the taper tool, and connect it to the cable drum.

Another cause is the disengaging rob not functioning due to a lack of lubrication. Push the disengaging rod into the position that allows drive chain operation, and keep the rod lubricated with oil recommended by the tool’s manufacturer.

Tape Drags Along the Joint

If you notice the tape drags along the joint, the issue could be the wheel pressure. Too much pressure means you need to release the tension on the creaser as you move it along the internal corner.

Another possibility is that the automatic taper is slightly twisted. The warped position could prevent the tape from tracking. Make sure the drive wheels are in the correct position on each side of the corner; they should track straight as the tool moves along the corners. This could be a common occurrence in many automatic drywall taping tools.

At Timothy’s Toolbox, we offer supplies and tips to help drywallers troubleshoot automatic drywaller tapers. For more information, visit our website.

Previous article What To Do When Your Automatic Taper Won’t Fill

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