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8 Tools Every Professional Drywaller Should Have With Them

8 Tools Every Professional Drywaller Should Have With Them

When you start a new drywalling job, you want to make sure you can complete it with little to no problems. You can easily accomplish this by stocking up on these eight essential tools every professional drywaller should have.

Drywall T-Square

Accuracy is the name of the game when it comes to drywall. You want to make precise cuts because you need the sheets to fit as close to the cut as possible. The drywall T-square will help you accomplish this.

That said, don’t just purchase any T-square tool. The more common options are too small for drywalling jobs. You need to buy one specifically for drywall measurements to ensure you do the job properly. The drywall T-square is 48 inches (4 feet) in length. The extra length allows you to cut the entire width of a sheet of drywall.

You don’t need to find multiple measuring tools to fit across an entire sheet. You can get the job done in one go. The horizontal part of this tool works to fit over the edge of the drywall. Again, this portion is long enough for you to fit the sheet in place.

Drywall Knife

You can’t hang drywall without a drywall knife, and at Timothy’s Toolbox, we have a large variety of drywall knives for you to sort through. You want to make sure you have a few sturdy knives in your possession.

The flat blades on these knives help you lay your drywall mud over the seams before you seal them. Have three different knives in your possession. One should be 12 inches, another 6 inches, and the last should be 4 inches. The different measurements allow for more precision. Use the 6-inch knife for initial application and the 12-inch for your final coats. Other size drywall knives are available as well, depending on your preference.

Make sure you properly clean these knives after use because you don’t want to deal with leftover residue on the next job. Leftover mud on your knives makes it hard to lay your mud down smoothly. Additionally, if your drywall blades are not cleaned after use, they are prone to rusting more quickly.

Mud Pan

A mud pan is one of several sheetrock tools for sale that you’ll need to successfully complete a drywalling job. Aside from cleaning the knives at the end of the day, the mud pan helps to keep your knives clean while you’re working. Scrape any excess mud on your knives along the edges of the mud pan.

However, the main function of the mud pan is to contain the mud/joint compound. As you move along the work site, the mud pan holds the mixed joint compound you need handy as you apply the mud to the walls and ceilings. The versatility of the mud pan is what makes this tool so essential.

Drywall Mixers

You can get joint compound from the store, but you might have some situations where you need to make drywall yourself. If you end up running out, then you need to have the proper tools to mix the mud on the jobsite.

Purchase a mixer to create large quantities of drywall. When it comes to drywall, don’t abide by the less is more rule. More is always better because you would rather be over than underprepared for the task at hand.

Jab Saw

Naturally, as a carpenter or a contractor, you have a utility knife in your toolbox. However, as a professional drywaller, you need a jab saw in your repertoire. This tool cuts holes in drywall sheets about 6 to 8 inches in length. Even though it has one function, you still can’t complete a successful drywall job without this tool. The jab saw is a necessary tool to have in the hanging phase of drywall installation or remodeling.

The blade is about 6 inches long with a sharp tip and coarse teeth. Manufacturers designed this knife to be sturdy and sharp because drywall is thick, and you need a trustworthy knife to get the job done. Make sure you handle the knife with care. The tip won’t cut off your finger, but a jab saw injury is no joke either.

Place the end of the saw perpendicular to the cutting surface, then use force on the handle to cut through the sheet.

Cordless Drill

A cordless drill is the best drill for one reason: mobility. You’re never stationary as a contractor, meaning you need tools that can move with you. Most items on this list are portable for a reason, so make sure you get yourself a cordless drill that you can use anywhere on the job.

You need the drill for fastening screws. The cordless drill does most of the work for you. You don’t need to worry about securing the screws because most drills set up the fastener for you. And you don’t need to worry about over-drilling the screws with a cordless drill that can detect when the screw is in place. The last thing you want to deal with is damaging the surface or stripping the screw.

Automatic Drywall Taper

The automatic drywall taper makes your job 10 times easier. The tool applies your joint compound and tape simultaneously. The taper cuts the installation process in half and makes for a more efficient and precise process.

You want to make sure you set up your taper correctly before each job so that the compound applies to the internal angles correctly. Using the taper for the walls and the ceilings works differently, mainly when it comes to the corners. Make sure you always lead the taper in the right direction to avoid mistakes.

Safety Gear

Remember, safety first. Even though it’s the last on the list, safety needs to be at the forefront of your mind. You need a dust mask, hard hat, and protective goggles. Drywall is a messy job that creates plenty of dust. The constant movement on the site can cause dust, debris, and even some metal shavings to enter the air. The goggles will protect your eyes, and the dust masks will protect your lungs. Dust masks are particularly necessary when you are sanding drywall because a lot of dust particles are emitted into the air.

Because you hang drywall on the ceilings, you must wear a hard hat. Hopefully, you never encounter a situation where a sheet falls on your head. However, having the protection will save you from any fatal injuries that could occur.

All these eight tools are essential to get the job done as a professional drywaller. And luckily for you, we have them all at Timothy’s Toolbox. Shop with us today to stay ready for any job.

8 Tools Every Professional Drywaller Should Have With Them
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